Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Taking Inventory

"Don't you know that you are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you?"
1st Corinthians 3:18

All believers have God in their heart. But not all believers have given their whole heart to God. Remember, the question is not, how I can have more of the Spirit? but rather, how can the Spirit have more of me? Take inventory. As you look around your life, do you see any resistant pockets?..... Go down the list.....
Your tongue. Do you tend to stretch the truth? Puff up your facts? Your language? Is your language a sewer of profanities and foul talk? And grudges? Do you keep resentments parked in your "garudge"? Are you unproductive and lazy?
Do you live off the system, assuming that the church or the country should take care of you?..... do your actions interrupt the flow of the Spirit in your life?

From - Grace for the Moment, page 178

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